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Weight MD
(D. Jolie Creative)

I worked with Weight MD through a partnership with D. Jolie Creative, assisting with general design and social media.

Acara Healthcare

Acara (formerly Elder Healthcare) is a medical network in Texas that I freelance for. I was brought aboard to help with promotional materials and have since done two brochures for their programs, while a third is in progress. I’m also working closely with their operations lead to design company merchandise and will be assisting the company leadership in designing and implementing a newsletter.


The brand patterns featured on the phone case mockup were my idea and design, and are one of my favorite projects for Acara to date. My goal as a freelance designer is to abide by their new brand guidelines while also pushing the limits of what’s possible with them. I hope to help Acara stand out within the industry and to help portray its professional but caring and loving atmosphere.

Moyal Enterprises

I interned with Moyal Enterprises LLC between my junior and senior years (May 2022 - September 2022) of college and was offered a position after my internship ended. While working for Moyal I did the majority of internal graphic work, from social media posts to one-sheets, as well as graphic work for athlete clients and a bit of copywriting. I worked closely with long-time client Nancy Lieberman Charities to produce graphics for them and have also worked on projects internally for The American Cancer Society, MVMI, Adapt Superwater, and more. To have worked directly and indirectly with some of the biggest names in professional sports has been an absolute honor. I’ll forever be thankful to CEO Arielle Moyal for giving me the time and opportunity to learn and grow not only as a designer, but also as a social media user, marketer, entrepreneur, and individual.

American Cancer

Through Moyal Enterprises, I had the opportunity to work with the American Cancer Society on some internal work and the 2022 and 2023 Crucial Catch graphics.

Nancy Lieberman

Through my position at Moyal Enterprises, I had the opportunity to work with Nancy Lieberman Charities since Dream Ball 2022. I assisted with social media content and had the chance to give their social media accounts (Nancy, NLC, and NLTJ Camps) a makeover. It was an absolute honor to design the new NLTJ Basketball Camp logo and brand board.

Trader Joe's Packaging Project

Part of my Graphic Design 2 course, this assignment was an introduction to working with and designing for physical products. The assignment was to redesign the rectangular box for one of two Trader Joe’s tea flavors. I chose ginger turmeric (a flavor I personally enjoy) and began the design process by starting with orange (for ginger) and building a natural but eye-catching palette around it.


I enjoyed working on a physical product and found that my (albeit rusty) STEM skills helped me in the construction of patterns and the visualization of 3D objects. In addition to this project, helping design merchandise for Acara has led me to discover my love of packaging.

Dunkin Large Scale Ads

As one of my senior year projects in Advertising Design, students were tasked with making three large-scale advertisements for an iced Dunkin beverage of their choosing. We were not allowed to use existing product photography, had to find the Dunkin font ourselves, and had to attempt to make something within the brand guidelines.


I opted for a playful, summery feel to advertise their fruit-flavored refreshers (my favorite drink of theirs). Dunkin already has a fun, bold, and colorful brand identity, so I sought to match that while adding illustrations to keep it fresh and give it my own personal flair. Their recent promotional material had seemed minimalist to me so I hoped the illustrations and busier compositions would be more eye-catching.

Nazareth Sociology, Philosophy, and Religious Studies Departments

I briefly worked as an office assistant and designer for the Sociology Department at Nazareth where I designed flyers for campus-wide use.

UB Hacking 2020

I was the design co-lead for the non-profit, student-run event; I designed the bull, splash page, social advertisements, and some of the merchandise for the event.

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